Prohibition on Import and Sale of SMS SIM Boxes with 5 or more SIM card slots
- As part of a national initiative to combat scams, the regulations for the sale and import of SMS SIM Boxes will be tightened to prohibit the import and sale of SMS SIM Boxes with 5 or more SIM card slots.
SMS SIM Boxes with 5 or more SIM card slots will be classified as prohibited telecommunication equipment set out in the Third Schedule of the Telecommunications (Dealers) Regulations (“Dealers Regulations”) effective from 1 February 2025. Please note that the import and sale of prohibited telecommunication equipment is an offense under the Dealers Regulations without prior approval from IMDA.
SMS SIM Boxes with 4 or less SIM card slots
- The import and sale of SMS SIM Boxes with 4 or less SIM card slots is permitted.