New Zealand

Equipment to be connected to the public telecommunications network in New Zealand requires a Telepermit from the network operator Spark New Zealand. Spark New Zealand also has technical standards that govern end-to-end communication characteristics of certain types of systems. Telepermits are typically issued based on review of test reports to demonstrate compliance with New Zealand standards. The applicant must be a New Zealand company.
Compliance International has been supporting conformity assessment in New Zealand for nearly 20 years for some of the world’s best known names in telecommunications equipment. We can help you complete Telepermits with our turnkey support service, which includes advice on technical requirements, building the full technical application package, handling the interface with the network operator Spark New Zealand, and managing the application process through to completion.
RSM Regulatory Compliance (RCM)
Equipment in New Zealand must be labeled with the regulatory compliance mark (RCM), and in the case of certain transmitters the New Zealand radio label (R-NZ), to demonstrate compliance with technical standards for radiocommunications devices and electromagnetic compatibility mandated by the New Zealand Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE). EMR (Human Exposure) standards are also applicable under Ministry of Health guidelines. For nearly 20 years, Compliance International has supported conformity assessment in New Zealand for some of the world’s best known names in telecommunications and radiocommunications equipment. We can help you achieve compliance in New Zealand with our turnkey solution by preparing and maintaining compliance records and serving as local declarant without having your own presence in New Zealand. When Compliance International supports your product compliance in Australia you will often gain compliance in New Zealand automatically.
EESS Regulatory Compliance (RCM)
If equipment is also in scope of New Zealand electrical safety regulations, suppliers have additional obligations under the Electrical Regulatory Authorities Council (ERAC) Electrical Equipment Safety System (EESS) and must act in accordance with the Equipment Safety Rules of the EESS. Compliance International can support safety registrations and act as authorised officer for the purposes of Responsible Supplier registration and as Authorised Representative for the purposes of Electrical Equipment registration on behalf of suppliers.
Compliance with minimum energy performance standards (MEPS) is mandatory for a range of products in New Zealand, including the external power supplies often supplied with telecommunications, radio and information technology equipment. Such equipment must be registered with the Energy Efficiency and Conservation Authority (EECA) on the basis of acceptable test reports. Compliance International can help you complete registration as part of our turnkey solution in New Zealand. MEPS registration in Australia is recognized in New Zealand, so when Compliance International supports your MEPS compliance in Australia you will gain compliance in New Zealand automatically.
New Zealand EMC Requirements
EMC requirements are harmonized between Australia and New Zealand. Products that carry Australia’s C-Tick need no further declaration, certification or labeling for sale in New Zealand. When Compliance International supports your product compliance in Australia, you automatically gain compliance in New Zealand.
RSM Regulatory Compliance (RCM)
Equipment in New Zealand must be labeled with the regulatory compliance mark (RCM), and in the case of certain transmitters the New Zealand radio label (R-NZ), to demonstrate compliance with technical standards for radiocommunications devices and electromagnetic compatibility mandated by the New Zealand Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE). EMR (Human Exposure) standards are also applicable under Ministry of Health guidelines. For nearly 20 years, Compliance International has supported conformity assessment in New Zealand for some of the world’s best known names in telecommunications and radiocommunications equipment. We can help you achieve compliance in New Zealand with our turnkey solution by preparing and maintaining compliance records and serving as local declarant without having your own presence in New Zealand. When Compliance International supports your product compliance in Australia you will often gain compliance in New Zealand automatically.
EESS Regulatory Compliance (RCM)
If equipment is also in scope of New Zealand electrical safety regulations, suppliers have additional obligations under the Electrical Regulatory Authorities Council (ERAC) Electrical Equipment Safety System (EESS) and must act in accordance with the Equipment Safety Rules of the EESS. Compliance International can support safety registrations and act as authorised officer for the purposes of Responsible Supplier registration and as Authorised Representative for the purposes of Electrical Equipment registration on behalf of suppliers.
Compliance with minimum energy performance standards (MEPS) is mandatory for a range of products in New Zealand, including the external power supplies often supplied with telecommunications, radio and information technology equipment. Such equipment must be registered with the Energy Efficiency and Conservation Authority (EECA) on the basis of acceptable test reports. Compliance International can help you complete registration as part of our turnkey solution in New Zealand. MEPS registration in Australia is recognized in New Zealand, so when Compliance International supports your MEPS compliance in Australia you will gain compliance in New Zealand automatically.
New Zealand EMC Requirements
EMC requirements are harmonized between Australia and New Zealand. Products that carry Australia’s C-Tick need no further declaration, certification or labeling for sale in New Zealand. When Compliance International supports your product compliance in Australia, you automatically gain compliance in New Zealand.
RSM Regulatory Compliance (RCM)
Equipment in New Zealand must be labeled with the regulatory compliance mark (RCM), and in the case of certain transmitters the New Zealand radio label (R-NZ), to demonstrate compliance with technical standards for radiocommunications devices and electromagnetic compatibility mandated by the New Zealand Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE). EMR (Human Exposure) standards are also applicable under Ministry of Health guidelines. For nearly 20 years, Compliance International has supported conformity assessment in New Zealand for some of the world’s best known names in telecommunications and radiocommunications equipment. We can help you achieve compliance in New Zealand with our turnkey solution by preparing and maintaining compliance records and serving as local declarant without having your own presence in New Zealand. When Compliance International supports your product compliance in Australia you will often gain compliance in New Zealand automatically.
EESS Regulatory Compliance (RCM)
If equipment is also in scope of New Zealand electrical safety regulations, suppliers have additional obligations under the Electrical Regulatory Authorities Council (ERAC) Electrical Equipment Safety System (EESS) and must act in accordance with the Equipment Safety Rules of the EESS. Compliance International can support safety registrations and act as authorised officer for the purposes of Responsible Supplier registration and as Authorised Representative for the purposes of Electrical Equipment registration on behalf of suppliers.
Compliance with minimum energy performance standards (MEPS) is mandatory for a range of products in New Zealand, including the external power supplies often supplied with telecommunications, radio and information technology equipment. Such equipment must be registered with the Energy Efficiency and Conservation Authority (EECA) on the basis of acceptable test reports. Compliance International can help you complete registration as part of our turnkey solution in New Zealand. MEPS registration in Australia is recognized in New Zealand, so when Compliance International supports your MEPS compliance in Australia you will gain compliance in New Zealand automatically.
New Zealand EMC Requirements
EMC requirements are harmonized between Australia and New Zealand. Products that carry Australia’s C-Tick need no further declaration, certification or labeling for sale in New Zealand. When Compliance International supports your product compliance in Australia, you automatically gain compliance in New Zealand.