
ACMA Regulatory Compliance (RCM)
Equipment in Australia must be labeled with the regulatory compliance mark (RCM) to demonstrate compliance with technical standards for telecommunications customer equipment, radiocommunications devices, electromagnetic radiation, and electromagnetic compatibility mandated by the Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA).
Labeling must be backed up by compliance records, which include Declarations of Conformity made by an Australian legal entity. The compliance records are held by an Australian supplier or agent and are subject to audit by the ACMA and ERAC. For nearly 20 years Compliance International has supported conformity assessment in Australia for some of the world’s best known names in telecommunications equipment through our Australia office. We can help you achieve compliance in Australia with our turnkey solution that includes preparing and maintaining compliance records and serving as local declarant without having your own presence in Australia.
EESS Regulatory Compliance (RCM)
In addition to ACMA requirements, for equipment also in scope of Australian electrical safety regulations, suppliers have additional obligations under the Electrical Regulatory Authorities Council (ERAC) Electrical Equipment Safety System (EESS) and must act in accordance with the Equipment Safety Rules of the EESS.Before any equipment is sold a supplier must be registered on the EESS. Certain higher-risk equipment types, including external power supplies, must receive safety certification and be registered to the supplier. Compliance records and declarations of conformity must be prepared and RCM labelling affixed.
Compliance International can support safety certifications and provide services as authorised officer for the purposes of Responsible Supplier registration and as Authorised Representative for the purposes of Electrical Equipment registration on behalf of suppliers.
Compliance with minimum energy performance standards (MEPS) is mandatory for a range of products in Australia, including the external power supplies often supplied with telecommunications, radio and information technology equipment. Such equipment must be registered with the Greenhouse and Energy Minimum Standards (GEMS) regulator on the basis of acceptable test reports.
ACMA Regulatory Compliance (RCM)
Equipment in Australia must be labeled with the regulatory compliance mark (RCM) to demonstrate compliance with technical standards for telecommunications customer equipment, radiocommunications devices, electromagnetic radiation, and electromagnetic compatibility mandated by the Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA). Labeling must be backed up by compliance records, which include Declarations of Conformity made by an Australian legal entity. The compliance records are held by an Australian supplier or agent and are subject to audit by the ACMA and ERAC. For nearly 20 years Compliance International has supported conformity assessment in Australia for some of the world’s best known names in telecommunications equipment through our Australia office. We can help you achieve compliance in Australia with our turnkey solution that includes preparing and maintaining compliance records and serving as local declarant without having your own presence in Australia.
EESS Regulatory Compliance (RCM)
In addition to ACMA requirements, for equipment also in scope of Australian electrical safety regulations, suppliers have additional obligations under the Electrical Regulatory Authorities Council (ERAC) Electrical Equipment Safety System (EESS) and must act in accordance with the Equipment Safety Rules of the EESS. Before any equipment is sold a supplier must be registered on the EESS. Certain higher-risk equipment types, including external power supplies, must receive safety certification and be registered to the supplier. Compliance records and declarations of conformity must be prepared and RCM labelling affixed. Compliance International can support safety certifications and provide services as authorised officer for the purposes of Responsible Supplier registration and as Authorised Representative for the purposes of Electrical Equipment registration on behalf of suppliers.
Compliance with minimum energy performance standards (MEPS) is mandatory for a range of products in Australia, including the external power supplies often supplied with telecommunications, radio and information technology equipment. Such equipment must be registered with the Greenhouse and Energy Minimum Standards (GEMS) regulator on the basis of acceptable test reports. Compliance International can help you complete GEMS registration as part of our turnkey solution in Australia.
ACMA Regulatory Compliance (RCM)
Equipment in Australia must be labeled with the regulatory compliance mark (RCM) to demonstrate compliance with technical standards for telecommunications customer equipment, radiocommunications devices, electromagnetic radiation, and electromagnetic compatibility mandated by the Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA).
Labeling must be backed up by compliance records, which include Declarations of Conformity made by an Australian legal entity. The compliance records are held by an Australian supplier or agent and are subject to audit by the ACMA and ERAC.
For nearly 20 years Compliance International has supported conformity assessment in Australia for some of the world’s best known names in telecommunications equipment through our Australia office. We can help you achieve compliance in Australia with our turnkey solution that includes preparing and maintaining compliance records and serving as local declarant without having your own presence in Australia.
EESS Regulatory Compliance (RCM)
In addition to ACMA requirements, for equipment also in scope of Australian electrical safety regulations, suppliers have additional obligations under the Electrical Regulatory Authorities Council (ERAC) Electrical Equipment Safety System (EESS) and must act in accordance with the Equipment Safety Rules of the EESS. Before any equipment is sold a supplier must be registered on the EESS. Certain higher-risk equipment types, including external power supplies, must receive safety certification and be registered to the supplier. Compliance records and declarations of conformity must be prepared and RCM labelling affixed. Compliance International can support safety certifications and provide services as authorised officer for the purposes of Responsible Supplier registration and as Authorised Representative for the purposes of Electrical Equipment registration on behalf of suppliers.
Compliance with minimum energy performance standards (MEPS) is mandatory for a range of products in Australia, including the external power supplies often supplied with telecommunications, radio and information technology equipment. Such equipment must be registered with the Greenhouse and Energy Minimum Standards (GEMS) regulator on the basis of acceptable test reports. Compliance International can help you complete GEMS registration as part of our turnkey solution in Australia.